Poultry keeping
Of all the forms of Livestock, Poultry are the easiest to keep.
The keeping of Poultry is very rewarding with fresh eggs produced daily. It can also be very educational for young families to show where our eggs come from and how they are produced.
Chickens are fascinating & entertaining to watch which makes them great fun to have in the garden.
The Varieties of Point of Lay Pullets we sell are a hybrid hens & lay approximately 270 – 300 eggs in the first year, but then fewer but larger eggs in subsequent years.
They require:
• Constant access to fresh clean water, ideally a plastic fountain drinker so cider vinegar can be added to aid a healthy gut.
• Food – Did you know that it is illegal to feed kitchen scraps to poultry, however, greens fed straight from the vegetable garden make a healthy treat.
• For the best production of eggs, they will need a Layers Meal or Pellets and some type of feeder to put it in, to keep it dry and off the floor, keeping it clean and fresh. An afternoon scratch food can also be fed to occupy the birds such as Wheat, Mixed Corn or our own Scratching Mix which can be scattered in their run or house. Grit is also essential
to maintain strong shells.
• A warm, dry, fox proof house/run with a house that can be shut up at night with perches for roosting and a nest box for them to lay their eggs in. On the floor of the house we recommend shavings, which we have a large selection to choose from. Ideally in nestboxes we recommend shavings or straw (Not hay due to moulds).
• It is recommended that the poultry are wormed two or three times a year, particularly if they are kept on the same patch of ground all year round.
• When you first get your chickens home, keep them shut in the house for several days so that they become familiar with the house making sure they will return there at night for roosting.